01 Market overview
Market size of used item sales in China 2015-2020
Number of used items resold in China 2015-2020
Second hand purchasers in China 2022
Sales value of used items in China 2015-2020, by category
Breakdown of used item sales in China 2020, by category
02 Re-commerce
Transaction value of second-hand e-commerce in China 2015-2021
YoY transaction value growth rate of second hand e-commerce in China 2016-2021
Number of re-commerce users in China 2014-2021
Penetration rate of re-commerce service in China 2016-2020
Number of active users of leading re-commerce platforms in China 2021
Major items sold on re-commerce platforms in China 2021
03 Second-hand luxury goods
Breakdown of used luxury goods sales in China 2021, by category
Leading channels for buying used luxury items in China 2021
Breakdown of used luxury goods buyers in China 2017-2021, by gender
Breakdown of used luxury goods buyers in China 2021, by age
Most purchased used luxury goods among rich people in China 2021, by type
Major reasons for purchasing used or vintage luxury items in China 2021, by age
04 Second-hand consumer electronics
Trade value of used consumer electronics in China 2015-2025, by category
Trade volume of used consumer electronics in China 2015-2025, by category
Breakdown of used smartphone sales in China Q4 2021, by brand
Breakdown of used consumer electronics recycle app ATRenew users 2021, by age
05 Consumer perspective
Ways to deal with idle items at home in China in 2022
Likelihood to trade used items in China 2021, by channel
Items bought second hand in China 2022
Most used services of second-hand e-commerce in China 2021
Leading reasons for using re-commerce platforms to buy things in China 2021
Leading reasons for using re-commerce platforms to sell things in China 2021